Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Program Profile

Name of the program degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Program duration To be completed in  4 years on a full-time basis
Total credits Option 1 Single major:  120 credits

Option 2  Major + minor in Robotics or Product Design or Technopreneur or another minor: 135 credits

Program Purpose

The overall aim of the program is to nurture and develop young leaders in mechanical engineering with clear direction and vision, creativity and sound personal values; who pave the way for the development of science and technology, to increase labor productivity and to benefit society.

Program Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program are that within a few years of graduation, a majority of our graduates will demonstrate excellence in top graduate programs; or in technical and managerial leadership tracks in technology-based industries or other sectors; or pursuing entrepreneurial ventures. In these roles, they will:

  1. Apply basic knowledge of mechanical engineering principles and in-depth knowledge of one area of concentration to solve a full range of technical and societal problems;
  2. Conceive, design, and realize products, systems, and services, while properly respecting economic, environmental, cultural, safety, and ethical standards or constraints;
  3. Be leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset, effective communicators, and informed decision makers as members of multidisciplinary teams, supporting collaborative and inclusive environments;
  4. Discover and apply new knowledge, and engage in life-long learning for the profession of engineering;
  5. Engage with their communities, profession, the nation, and the world.

Student Outcomes

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies;
  8. An entrepreneurial mindset and a recognition of the importance of traditional values, national pride and global awareness.

Curriculum Composition

No. Curriculum Components Number of Credits Credit Distribution (%/Total Credits)
I.1 Enterprise and Innovation 4 3.1%
I.2 Leadership Mindset 2 1.6%
I.3 Civic Responsibility 2 1.6%
I.4 Ethics 2 1.6%
I.5 Community Service Learning 45 hours
I.6 Working with the Brain 2 1.6%
I.7 Working with Technology 1.6%
I.8 Working with Others 4 3.1%
I.9 Working with the Self 90 hours
I.10 Integrated Vietnam Studies 11 8.5%
I.11 Sustainability and Global Citizenship 2 1.6%
I.12 Creative Arts 2 1.6%
III.1 College Core Requirement 39 30.2%
III.2 Major Core Requirement 17 13.2%
III.3 Major Foundation Requirement 15 11.6%
III.4 Area of Concentration (Elective) 12 9.3%
III.5 Minor* 15* 5.4%
III.6 Co-op/Internship Non-credit

(640 hours)

III.7 Capstone Design 6 4.7%
TOTAL 120 (135)* 100%

* Students are required to complete a minimum of 120 earned credits to graduate. They have the option to take up to 135 earned credits within the allowed timeframe without incurring additional tuition fees.

Course flow

Course Flow – Main Track


Course Flow – Pathway Track


For more detailed information about our Mechanical Engineering curriculum framework, please read here.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: High school chemistry 

Course Description:

This course covers basic chemical concepts, such as reactivity and bonding of molecules, introductory quantum mechanics, and intermolecular forces in liquids and solids and gases. Attention will be focused on aspects and applications of chemistry most pertinent to engineering.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Calculus II

Taking with Linear Algebra simultaneously is not recommended.

Course Description:

This course gives an introduction to ordinary and partial differential equations. Topics include first order equations (separable, linear, homogeneous, exact); mathematical modelling (e.g., population growth, terminal velocity); qualitative methods (slope fields, phase plots, equilibria and stability); numerical methods; second order equations (method of undetermined coefficients, application to oscillations and resonance, boundary value problems and eigenvalues); and Fourier series. A substantial part of this course involves partial differential equations, such as the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace’s equation.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Physics I, Calculus II

Course Description:

This course presents the definitions, concepts, and laws of thermodynamics. Topics include the first and second laws, thermodynamic property relationships, and applications to vapor and gas power systems, refrigeration, and heat pump systems. Examples and problems are related to contemporary aspects of energy and power generation and to broader environmental issues.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Statics and Mechanics of Solids, Differential Equations, Corequisite: Linear Algebra

Course Description:

This course teaches Newtonian dynamics of a particle, systems of particles, rigid bodies, simple mechanisms, and simple harmonic oscillators. Impulse, momentum, angular momentum, work, and energy. Two-dimensional (planar) kinematics including motion relative to a moving reference frame. Three-dimensional rigid-body dynamics are also introduced. Setting up the differential equations of motion and solving them both analytically and numerically with MATLAB. In-lecture laboratory demonstrations illustrate basic principles.

4 credits

Pre-requisites: Statics and Mechanics of Solids, Corequisite: Dynamics

Course Description:

This course provides a hands-on introduction to the mechanical design process, from conceptualization through prototype construction and testing. Design projects provide experience in basic prototyping skills using machine tools, 3D printing, and laser cutting, as needed, as well as basic instruction in CAD and technical sketching.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Statics and Mechanics of Solids, Dynamics

Course Description:

This course covers physical properties of fluids, hydrostatics, conservation laws using control volume analysis and using differential analysis, Bernoulli’s equation, potential flows, simple viscous flows (solved with Navier-Stokes equations), dimensional analysis, pipe flows, boundary layers. Introduction to compressible flow.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Physics II, Differential Equations

Course Description:

At the intersection of mechanical and electrical engineering, Mechatronics involves technologies necessary to create automated systems. This course introduces students to the functional elements of modern controlled dynamic systems. Topics include analog circuits – both passive and active components, filter design, diodes, transistors, MOSFETs and power amplification, pulse width modulation, transduction – mechanical and electro-mechanical devices such as electromagnetic systems, gear trains, optical encoders, discretization, aliasing, and microprocessors and programming. Lab experiments culminate in the design, fabrication, and programming of a microprocessor-controlled robotic vehicle, which laboratory groups enter into a class-wide competition.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Statics and Mechanics of Solids

Course Description:

This course gives an introduction to the broad range of properties and behaviors of engineering materials as they relate to mechanical performance. Emphasis is placed on general states of stress and strain, on elasticity and combined loading effects. Failure criteria including yielding, fracture and fatigue are developed. A general introduction to the function/constraints/objectives approach to material selection associated with mechanical design is provided with candidate material systems coming from metals, polymers, ceramics and/or composites. A general overview of material processing will be presented within this context of material selection.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Engineering, Programming language 

Course Description:

This is an interdisciplinary design project course which involves students from different engineering and computer science programs. In this course, students will engage in a holistic design approach to Intelligent Physical Systems which can perceive, reason about, and act upon their environment. This course includes topics on algorithms, sensors, actuators, power, and mechanics. Students will learn the value and trade-offs between theory, simulation, and physical implementations, and gain familiarity with rapid prototyping techniques, system debugging, teamwork, leadership skills, time management, and how to disseminate work to a broader audience through wiki-pages.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Dynamics

Course Description:

This course covers the analysis and design of vehicle components and vehicle systems. Emphasis on automobiles. Engines, transmissions, suspension, brakes, and aerodynamics are discussed. The course uses first principles and applies them to specific systems. The course is highly quantitative, using empirical and analytical approaches.

3 credits


Course Description:

This course provides ways to analyze manufacturing systems in terms of material flow and storage, information flow, capacities, and times and durations of events. Topics include probability, inventory and queuing models, forecasting, optimization, process analysis, and linear and dynamic systems; flow planning, bottleneck characterization, buffer and batch-size tactics, seasonal planning, and dynamic behavior of production systems. This course also covers automation process, CAD/CAM/CAE and CIMS

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Course Description:

This course covers the main features of energy conversion by wind turbines. Emphasis on the characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer, the aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbines, and performance prediction. Structural effects, power train considerations, siting, and wind farm planning.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Course Description:

This course covers the following topics: steady and unsteady heat conduction; forced and free convection; external and internal flows; radiation heat transfer; and heat exchangers.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Dynamics

Course Description:

This course teaches dynamic behaviour of mechanical systems: modelling, analysis techniques, and applications; vibrations of single- and multi-degree of freedom systems; feedback control systems. Computer simulation and experimental studies of vibration and control systems.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Dynamics

Course Description:

This course covers electrified powertrain concepts, Energy for Transportation; environmental impact, APUs for hybrid electric vehicles, Modelling of power split devices for hybrid vehicles, Vehicle control hierarchy and power management, modelling and analysis of series electric hybrid powertrains, Power electronic devices and motors, modelling and analysis of split hybrid power‐trains, modelling and control issues of batteries, Major design issues and consideration of Hybrids.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Dynamics

Course Description:

This course focuses on tire mechanics and provides a fundamental understanding of feedback control, vehicle handling and ride performance through the development, analysis and critical interpretation of vehicle/system models.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Thermodynamics 

Course Description:

This course covers the analytical approach to the engineering problem and performance analysis of internal combustion engines. Topics include thermodynamics, combustion, heat transfer, friction, and other factors affecting engine power, efficiency, and emissions, design and operating characteristics of different types of engines.

3 credits


Course Description:

This course combines lecture and laboratory on the new product development cycle: iterative design based on prototyping, testing, consumer feedback, and limitations set by mass manufacturing. The course instructs students on methods to identify product concepts for machine designs with commercial potential. Design teams will perform market analysis and explore the intellectual property space around their ideas and rapidly iterate them into a final prototype via digital manufacturing (e.g., 3D CAD files manifested via robotic printing or machining); advanced instruction on these tools will be given, and quantitative marketing will be used as feedback. Early stage prototypes will progress into more sophisticated designs. Scale-up (cost, pricing, tooling) considerations for mass manufacturing will be taken into account, as well as quantitative analysis of machine designs for the expected utility.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Course Description:

This course teaches fundamental additive manufacturing, 3D printing approaches, including extrusion-based deposition, stereolithography, powder bed-based melting, and inkjet-based deposition. Cultivate a design for-additive manufacturing skillset for CAD and CAM methodologies to produce successful 3D prints.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: System Dynamics and Control

Course Description:

This course covers the analysis and design of linear systems in both the frequency and time domains. The course includes a laboratory that examines the modelling and control of representative dynamic processes. The frequency domain aspects are analysed via Laplace transforms, transfer functions, root locus, and frequency response methods. The time domain aspects are analysed via state space models, stability, controllability, observability, state feedback, and observers.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics, Heat transfer

Course Description:

This course critically examines the technology of energy systems that will be acceptable in a world faced with global climate change, local pollution, and declining supplies of oil. The focus is on renewable energy sources (wind, solar, biomass), but other non-carbon-emitting sources (nuclear) and lowered-carbon sources (cogenerative gas turbine plants, fuel cells) also are studied. Both the devices and the overall systems are analysed.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics, Heat transfer

Course Description:

This course gives an introduction to combustion and flame processes, with emphasis on fundamental fluid dynamics, heat and mass transport, and reaction-kinetic processes that govern combustion rates. Topics include thermochemistry, kinetics, vessel explosions, laminar premixed and diffusion flames, and droplet combustion. Optional topics may include complex combustion systems, turbulent flames, fuel cells, or combustion of solids.

3 Credits


Course Description:

This course will focus on the analysis, design, and production of renewable energy (solar, wind, nuclear, hydro, and geothermal, etc.) systems, with a focus on understanding the critical material challenges as well as the design and manufacturing challenges of sustainable energy systems.

3 credits

Pre-requisites: Physics I 

Course Description:

This course covers electrostatics, the behavior of matter in electric fields, DC circuits, magnetic fields, Faraday’s law, AC circuits, and electromagnetic waves.

2 credits

Pre-requisites: Physics II (Electromagnetism), Calculus II 

Course Description:

This course covers the physics of oscillations and wave phenomena, including driven oscillations and resonance, mechanical waves, sound waves, electromagnetic waves, standing waves, Doppler effect, polarization, wave reflection and transmission, interference, diffraction, geometric optics and optical instruments, wave properties of particles, particles in potential wells, light emission and absorption, and quantum tunnelling.

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