IEEE Access, a Q1 journal – top 25% most prestigious journal in the field of Engineering and Computer Science, has recently published the paper “Efficient Two-Party Integer Comparison with Block Vectorization Mechanism” by Nguyen Thai Hung, who is currently studying Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at VinUniversity. He co-authored the paper with Prof. Kok-Seng Wong and Dr. Thomas Oikonomou of VinUni College of Engineering and Computer Science.

This is an outstanding achievement considering that Thai Hung conducted the research as a freshman at VinUni. Dr. Oikonomou shared: “It is very rare for a freshman to have a research paper published in a Q1 Journal. This showcases a breakthrough in education philosophy at VinUni, where freshmen get to participate in research with professors and faculty members”. Journals belong to Q1 are rigorous and difficult in terms of review and publication of research papers. Prof. Kok-Seng commented: “Thai Hung has excellent analytical and programming skills. He often looks for new research problems and tries different approaches to solve them.”
Thai Hung shared that he came up with the idea for the research of Efficient Two-Party Integer Comparison with Block Vectorization Mechanism while participating in weekly discussions with Prof. Kok-Seng. “Last December, Prof. Kok-Seng presented a problem called Secure two-party computation. This is a renowned problem in the area of cryptography. There have been many research papers attempting to solve this problem. He let us read these papers to analyse and come up with a solution, and also to understand the limitations of those methods.”
One of the suggested methods is Vectorization. However, the limitation of this method is when the input is too large, the computation becomes very time-consuming. Hung came up with the idea to use Block Vectorization Mechanism to reduce computation time. Under guidance of Prof. Kok-Seng and Dr. Oikonomou, the team worked together for roughly 8 months (December 2020 to July 2021) to complete the research paper.
The concept of Secure two-party computation is widely applied in the following areas: online auction, credential identification, data mining,…
In addition to weekly discussion with Prof. Kok-Seng held during the academic year, during last summer vacation, Thai Hung also participated in the Joint Research Seminar Series. This is an event organized by Prof. Kok-Seng’s research interest group every Saturday from June to August. Many scientists from Malaysia and Kazakhstan attended the Seminar Series. Every week, students and scientists will give a presentation about a topic they are conducting research on. Afterwards, everyone will discuss the research methods as well as limitations and solutions to improve the limitations… Thai Hung said these discussions have helped students come up with new ideas for their research. Prof. Kok-Seng shared: “The main purpose of this seminar series is to give students the opportunity to connect with other faculty and student researchers who work in the same area of interest. The students will learn how to effectively communicate their ideas, analyze and critique the work of others” .
Sharing about future plans, Thai Hung revealed that he is participating in a research project with Prof. Kok-Seng and Dr. Thomas Oikonomou. He wants to take up every possible opportunity to build up his skills and personal development. Congratulations to Thai Hung on your achievements and we wish you even more success in the future!
VinUni students have opportunities to participate in research, publications in scientific journals,… with VinUni professors and faculty who have had many years of experience doing research, working at the world’s leading universities. In particular, to promote research in the university, VinUni established the VinUni Seed Funding Program to finance projects hosted by VinUni Professors and Lecturers. “Efficient Two-Party Integer Comparison with Block Vectorization Mechanism ” is one of the projects sponsored by VinUni Seed Funding Program.